Flight Alerts / Latest News

Enjoy the sun! Westerly winds forecast for first week of July


In between the hot sunny days we have had some great Tandem Hang Gliding flying at Woolacombe in the South West of England. From a 12 year old girl who had smiles from start to finish to 40th,50th and 60th birthday presents which were dreams come true!

With the rolling hills, sparkling beaches and a beautiful blue ocean to look at from above, there is no better place in the UK to go flying!

For more pictures and updates on our flying visit our media page: https://www.facebook.com/2Flylikeabird

Experience flying like a bird!


The season has started and we are tandem hang gliding in Devon - Woolacombe flying has the perfect scenery to view from the sky.

This was a birthday gift for Minnie - an Air Experience she will remember for a long time !

The wind was too strong for Paragliding so we flew the hanglider with views of Putsborough, the South West coastal path an adrenaline flight to remember!

Getting ready for the flying Season!


The days are starting to get longer and the air warmer so we are gearing up for Tandem Flying in 2018!

We are looking at starting around the 21st March - the calendar is starting to fill up quickly. If you have a voucher or you are looking to fly this year then get in touch.

Views like this from a Tandem Hang Glider will take your breath away - don't miss out in 2018!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

We will re-open on the 2nd January.

Hang Gliding BBC 2 Coastal Path - North Devon


Just aired tonight on BBC 2. Here is the clip in case you missed it. Paul get's to "Fly Like a Bird".
